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What is Dyslexia?

dyslexia teacher tutoring uklearning Jun 14, 2021

Dyslexia is something which affects hundreds of thousands of people across the UK.

Having dyslexia means that you find learning the traditional way more difficult than others. It can affect memory, spatial awareness, processing, organisational skills, spelling, reading and writing. A lot of dyslexic learners, if undiagnosed or not supported correctly, can switch off from learning and feel unable to complete work, leading to a lack of confidence.

 Dyslexia should never hold someone back from achieving what they want in life and most people with dyslexia go on to live full and creative lives.

It's estimated up to 1 in every 10 people in the UK has some degree of Dyslexia. (NHS)

My focus is on raising confidence levels within students' learning, in order for them to feel more able to express themselves, and see their capabilities alongside scaffolding, scribing and self-motivational techniques. There is no "one size fits all" method for tackling dyslexia, so I take at least 1 session to assess and create a programme for the individual student.
Once I have mapped out a programme, I use a lot of multi-sensory learning techniques including visual learning, which incorporates more than one sense. This triggers their memory techniques which gives them more than one 'crumb of bread' on the path back to the learning they were trying to access.
For me, it's all about making them feel able to implement their own techniques and strengths in order to help them cement learning. Some other elements of scaffolding I go through in our sessions are:

-Colourful visual note taking (mind-mapping)


-Journal/Diary planning to support organisational skills


-Making short videos


-Physical revision cards


-Linking to other senses to integrate more of the brain in the learning process.


-Real-time marking with the student


Children are never left to "work it out" themselves. I'm with them the whole way.


Contact me today to arrange a 30 minute consultation.


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